Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Last 40 Years..Where have you been?
This is where you tell us where you have been for the last 40 years! Where have you lived? Hobbies? Jobs? Family? Past/Present/Future....we want to know all about you. High school was a long time ago...none of us are the same people...share who you are now...and what plans you have for the next 40 years! Each and every one of us has a "story"..share yours.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
OLD--Gossip, News, Updates and Stuff
It's not really gossip as long as it's not mean is it?? good southern women know-you can say anything you like as long as you say "bless her heart" after it ! !
We just needed a place to put tidbits that don't seem to fit anywhere else. Anyone is welcome to add comments here. We will try to keep you posted on what the committee is doing and how plans for the actual event are coming along.
This section is kind of like the "junk drawer" that most of us have that holds everything that doesn't "live" anywhere else.
It's not really gossip as long as it's not mean is it?? good southern women know-you can say anything you like as long as you say "bless her heart" after it ! !
We just needed a place to put tidbits that don't seem to fit anywhere else. Anyone is welcome to add comments here. We will try to keep you posted on what the committee is doing and how plans for the actual event are coming along.
This section is kind of like the "junk drawer" that most of us have that holds everything that doesn't "live" anywhere else.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Remember When??
Here is where all those memories go!! You know... who got caught in the parking lot without a pass, who had the best party with the parents out of town, what year the football team went undefeated..(did that happen?), where you hid the answers to the chemistry test, who was your first crush, what was actually in the brownies that you made for the substitute teacher, what went on after prom, well you get the picture. Now don't be mean....there may still be some things that should be kept secret even after 40 years.....but hopefully after this many years we can all look back and laugh! We know you can't remember what you had for breakfast or where those damn keys are but we bet everyone has a few favorite memories to share. You can also ask your old classmates to help you fill in the'd be surprised what others remember about YOU!!!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Something in Common
It's interesting how many classmates have told us "I really didn't have many friends" or "I wasn't in the "in" crowd or "I don't remember very many people from high school". It makes you wonder if at 16 or 17 most of the "kids" that we went to school with felt that way. Is it part of being a teenager and a sort of "grass is always greener" thing? Did it look like everyone but you had more friends, more money, better car, cuter clothes, got better grades, etc.
A big part of attending reunions is the friends, there is no doubt. But there is something else. These are the people that also share the experiences of a generation. We grew up in the 60's. Most of us think that's pretty cool. We're baby boomers...the biggest and most influential generation...ever. When you attend a reunion like the one that is planned in June, you have an opportunity to not only get together with old friends but you have an opportunity to share experiences. Even if you don't recognize a single person..(not likely, although we've all aged) We all know the words to the same songs, we remember the dances, the politics, the clothes, the movies, the teachers. We went to the same "night spots" ( if you want to call Gage Bowl and Seabrook Tavern night spots, and some do). We remember when JFK was shot, Bobby Kennedy was shot and Martin Luther King was killed. We remember Viet Nam. We've all had dreams come true and some shattered. We raised kids through experiences that we could not have imagined. We are experiencing the loss of parents and friends. Many of us are experiencing the joys of being grandparents. There is not one of us that has not experienced the joys and sadness that comes with living to 57 or 58...yet we're here.
If you've been to previous reunions you know that they can be fun. If you have not been to a reunion, you should think about attending, you will be surprised how much you enjoy it. We have lost many classmates--two, the first week of March. There is no better reminder that life is short and we should not take a single minute for granted. Please try to attend both'll need the time to visit with everyone. If you can't attend, be sure to add your informtion. We want to know about you. With e-mail, cell phones, computers and frequent flyer miles you can stay in touch with friends from down the street or on the other side of the world. Don't miss this may not come again.
A big part of attending reunions is the friends, there is no doubt. But there is something else. These are the people that also share the experiences of a generation. We grew up in the 60's. Most of us think that's pretty cool. We're baby boomers...the biggest and most influential generation...ever. When you attend a reunion like the one that is planned in June, you have an opportunity to not only get together with old friends but you have an opportunity to share experiences. Even if you don't recognize a single person..(not likely, although we've all aged) We all know the words to the same songs, we remember the dances, the politics, the clothes, the movies, the teachers. We went to the same "night spots" ( if you want to call Gage Bowl and Seabrook Tavern night spots, and some do). We remember when JFK was shot, Bobby Kennedy was shot and Martin Luther King was killed. We remember Viet Nam. We've all had dreams come true and some shattered. We raised kids through experiences that we could not have imagined. We are experiencing the loss of parents and friends. Many of us are experiencing the joys of being grandparents. There is not one of us that has not experienced the joys and sadness that comes with living to 57 or 58...yet we're here.
If you've been to previous reunions you know that they can be fun. If you have not been to a reunion, you should think about attending, you will be surprised how much you enjoy it. We have lost many classmates--two, the first week of March. There is no better reminder that life is short and we should not take a single minute for granted. Please try to attend both'll need the time to visit with everyone. If you can't attend, be sure to add your informtion. We want to know about you. With e-mail, cell phones, computers and frequent flyer miles you can stay in touch with friends from down the street or on the other side of the world. Don't miss this may not come again.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
"In Memory Of"
In this area we will list those classmates that, to our knowledge, are no longer with us. Although they are no longer here we want to be sure that they are remembered by those that knew them. If you have information about anyone please contact Margo so that we can be sure the list is accurate.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Faded Photographs or Snapshots of Today....
We will be posting pictures that you send us here. Just e-mail them to It may take a few days as I'm just learning to do this so be patient please. Be sure to include the caption that you would like or family name......

Your reunion committee at Charlie keeps his committee of girls in line

"I can't compete with the Hippy-Dippy Jake S. but amoung us mortals... The 1968 picture was scanned from page 233 of the '68 yearbook " ~ Roger Wood

Amy, Bayless & Claudia..."lunching" for Amy's B-Day

Jake S. in " 68" Jake Now Jake & Clint Eastwood...(show off!)

Bob Pullan and Family

Silly Girls in Feathers...The Princess, Pam (TWHS classmate wannabe), The Heiress

Vancouver Jan

Your reunion committee at Charlie keeps his committee of girls in line

"I can't compete with the Hippy-Dippy Jake S. but amoung us mortals... The 1968 picture was scanned from page 233 of the '68 yearbook " ~ Roger Wood
Amy, Bayless & Claudia..."lunching" for Amy's B-Day

Jake S. in " 68" Jake Now Jake & Clint Eastwood...(show off!)

Bob Pullan and Family

Silly Girls in Feathers...The Princess, Pam (TWHS classmate wannabe), The Heiress

Vancouver Jan
Monday, March 24, 2008
Lost and Found
In this post we will list those classmates that we have not been able to find, those that are "found" and those that have already sent in registrations. Please help us find the "lost" people. We want to do our best to contact each classmate. Feel free to post information here or contact Linda or Margo with contact informaton. We will try to update this every week or two as we get new information. Be sure to check back often.
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