Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Partys Over

To view the pictures of the reunion click on the link below or type it into your address bar. Click on the pictures. There are 4 albums. Click on one...when it opens click on the first picture. Then to the right click on "more info" that will give you the names of most in the picture. Then you can use the arrows at the top to go to the next picture....each should have the names on the side along with some techy photo stuff. We will be adding more pics as we get them from YOU!!and...we will try to also add them to a Walgreens site so you can order prints easily. Let us know if you have any questions.

Turn out the lights ....the partys over. Well actually that's not true....and the party will never be over as long as there are a few of the "kids" from the Class of "68" that make time to get together.

We ....on the committee hope you had a really nice time. We had fun this weekend and we had almost as much fun these last months planning. Most went as planned....some did not...but that's to be expected. We have lots of people to thank and we will probably miss a few and have to add later...but here goes. First of all we want to thank each of you for helping. Although as a committee we spent lots of time "searching" for lost may not realize that lots of classmates "fed" us information and suggestions. We would never have been able to find some folks without your help. We want to thank Kirk Nystrom for the tender words that he spoke at the memorial to our deceased classmates. (Kirk...what you wrote and your delivery was perfect..) There were a lot of moist eyes during that time and that's as it should be. We want to thank Janine for sharing her lovely voice and for leading us in singing. Music always adds such a special feeling. We want to thank Marshall for being our "announcer" he did a great job of passing along information and running our contests. We want to thank Pam(td's friend) for taking pictures and helping carry and clean...and the other committee "significant others "that helped in so many ways....especially Penny and Mark. We want to say a really special thanks to Roger Wood. He did an amazing job of taking our pictures. Without him we have some good pictures to share...but with him we will have some great ones.

You can add your "post reunion" comments here. If you have not posted your bio...go ahead and do that in the area for "The last 40 years".'s never too late. We will keep the blog going as long as it is being used. It's free and I don't think it has a life span. However, there are many of you that are much more high tech. and we hope that maybe one of you would be willing to help us set up a new website that has more features. This blog really is pretty elementary but all that I (TerryD) know how to!!!????

We would like your comments and suggestions for the next reunion or any future activities that we could plan......but fyi.. NO anonymous criticisms...I'll just remove them. It would also be very helpful that if you have a complaint that you also offer a solution. And...please be kind!!!

Speaking of case you were not told, the following is the explanation for some pretty crazy characters...
Vancouver Jan was ...Jan Pipkin because she made the bad mistake of not posting her bio we made one up for her and posted it......she was horrified at first but then was a good sport and played along. Terry Brumm "created" her...Elaine and TD embellished a bit. VJ needed a boyfriend so Terry D made up Under the Covers Man.....TB embellished. After that both Terrys just switched back and forth writing additional comments. Lester was created by Elaine N. .....her very creative spelling made him quite endearing. On Friday night Jan was VJ, TD was Lester and TB was UTCM. It was also revealed on Friday night that LennyD was Scott Kennedy and Alcoholanon was Mike D. Charlie will not admit it but he is hiding his creative writing skills...several of the really funny anonymous comments were from his computer.. We hope these characters made the blog a little more's interesting that even the committee did not know who some of these guys were until Friday!! We appreciate everyones tolerance for borderline bad taste and our strange sense of humor!!! ( don't blame the whole committee for a few with no class)

We will be letting you know soon how to share your pictures with us. Check here in the next few days.

Some of us were talking about adding a comment here, on occasion to get the Topeka area classmates together. There is no reason that you all can't do the same...... feel free to use this site for that. We're fairly sure Bobos had a good weekend..we hope you liked your pie.

Some of you had books that people were signing with contact info. I don't think that we had an "official" class book so if those of you that have that info would share with us for our records we would greatly appreciate it. As in the past...we will not give out private info without your permission. BE SURE to let us know of changes to your info...especially's the best way to keep in touch. Send changes to Terry Brumm at

So....for some this was a life changing weekend/ event. We hope everything goes well. For some, you found out that your fear of "not fitting in" was not valid. You fit in just because you are you and you are part of us. Some of you that bragged about the great fishing or skiing or sites in your area are probably going to have lots of company in the future.....we may hold you to that "come on down" that you said after a few drinks!!!

We were blessed with lovely weather. Had you come on Thursday night you would have been greeted with pouring rain and wind and we would have been crammed in the shelter. As it was we enjoyed the lovely area, flowers, lake and silver moon reflecting on the water.

The biggest and most important "thank you" goes to you all. No matter how much "party planning"'s not much fun if no kids show up to play. So thank you all so much for coming and talking, and laughing, and dancing, and posing for pictures, and eating, and hula hooping, and making it fun just by your presence. Lets keep in touch.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Just For Fun

This is where you can post any fun activities that you think others might enjoy. We will try to have at least one suggestion every couple of months but PLEASE feel free to post anything that you hear of in the area. A great band or art exhibit or new place to eat....fall festival or whatever. As a matter of fact, if you want to have a party and invite all of us that would be swell!!! Just give us the details!!!

If you don't live in the Topeka area and want to get your Denver or KC or LA friends together go ahead and put those activities here also.

Please put the date, time, place and any details someone might need such as reservations needed or cost or whatever.