VJ was last seen sharing her woes with the local bartender.
Compliments of Roger Wood.
"We've recently discovered the root cause of VJ's ice cream addiction. I
appears to be Lori Holm's fault."
submitted by archive detective Debbie Crawford.
Topeka West High School Class of '68...45th Reunion
Welcome TWHS Class of 1968!!
You are invited to the Topeka West Class of 1968's 45th Reunion! September 27th & 28th, 2013
Event Schedule:
Sept 27th - Friday Night Picnic, 6:00 pm-11:00 PM Garden House at Lake Shawnee (air conditioned - same location as the 40th reunion). The address is 3650 West Edge Rd. West Edge is the road that runs on the west side of Lake Shawnee & is accessible from 29th, 37th, or 45th. There are two locations to park. One is at the Ted Ensley Gardens parking north of 37th (Look for the gazebo and the shelter house is just east of there). The other is off SE Yacht Ct, just off West Edge & south of 37th St. Cost: $20/person (includes food, beer, soft drinks, & bottled water).
Sept 28th, Saturday -Tour of TWHS, 10 AM-Noon TWHS Cafeteria...Sweet rolls, coffee, juice -FREE.
September 28th-Golf Tournament - GOLFERS...Tee Times have been scheduled to begin at 9:00 AM. If you haven't called me yet & plan on playing, please call ASAP. I'll only schedule times for amount of people who have notified me, as it's the busiest day of the week for the course. Thanks, Charlie T. Shawnee Country Club Golf Course (now Great Life), 913 SE 29th Street Cost: $35 green fees to be paid at the course Make reservations through Charlie Thompson at 785-633-5138
September 28th-Party, Party, Party!!!! 7:00 pm-12:00 am Shawnee Country Club (Greatlife) 913 SE 29th, Topeka, KS Cost: $20.00/person (includes Heavy Hors d'Oeuvres, Cash Bar). Same band as 40th reunion, Talent show, lots of places to get away from the noise and visit!
All events are casual attire.
Please make your reservations and send checks ASAP to Linda McPike Marling..so we can order the food and drinks!!! Her address is 1831 SW Oakley, Topeka, Ks 66604
After Aug 1, 2013...($5.00 per person per night late registration)
If you have not received a form there is one on this site that you can print out...it's called "Invitation and Schedule". Make sure you use the one for the 45th! Join us on FB by searching for TWHS KANSAS to get the latest information and please please check the list of missing to see if you can help find them! If you have NOT received an email from Elaine, or if you've recently changed your email address, please email Elaine at eneffy@gmail.com.
Questions?? call or email one of the following (emails are listed on the invitation) Linda McPike Marling at (785) 232-8356 Margo Weidner Leonard at (785) 272-0801 Terry Diaz Dykstra at (785) 220-3892 Jan Pipkin Flesher at (785) 273-3863 Elaine Neff Toland at (785) 379-9558 Charlie Thompson at (785) 633-5138
Add your bio and memories to this site so everyone can re-connect...it's easy...just read the Greetings post to see how to add comments. If you can't figure it out, e-mail it to me or enclose it with your reservation and we'll add it for you. We can also post pictures on this site ..if you would like one added please send it and a caption to Terry D. at princessofkeene@hotmail.com or Elaine at eneffy@gmail.com.
Hotel accomodations and prices will be posted at a later date on a post titled "We'll Leave The Light On For Ya".
On a more somber note: We are planning to have a time on Friday evening to remember those in our class that have passed away. Please view the post titled "In Memory Of" and let us know if we have missed anyone so that we can include them in our thoughts. Please let us know right away if you see an error.
If you are new to the blog, please check out the memories from the earlier blog. We have some very humorous writers and some classmates still have remarkable memories. There's fun for everyone!
It'll be here before you know it! See you soon!!!
TWHS Class of '68
This blog is for members of the Topeka West High School Class of 1968. Check here often for information about the 45th Reunion and updates on your classmates!!