Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Faded Photographs or Snapshots of Today....

We will be posting pictures that you send us here. Just e-mail them to princessofkeene@hotmail.com It may take a few days as I'm just learning to do this so be patient please. Be sure to include the caption that you would like or family name......

Your reunion committee at work....how Charlie keeps his committee of girls in line

"I can't compete with the Hippy-Dippy Jake S. but amoung us mortals... The 1968 picture was scanned from page 233 of the '68 yearbook " ~ Roger Wood

Amy, Bayless & Claudia..."lunching" for Amy's B-Day

Jake S. in " 68" Jake Now Jake & Clint Eastwood...(show off!)

Bob Pullan and Family

Silly Girls in Feathers...The Princess, Pam (TWHS classmate wannabe), The Heiress

Vancouver Jan


Anonymous said...

I guess I'm little slow off the mark here, but this lusty picture of a blond bombshell - who is this, "Really"???? I don't recognize this person,at all - though well preserved. How old is this picture anyway?? Vancouver Jan - what was your true identity in school or are you some kind of outsider crashing our website and messing with our heads?

Anonymous said...

Okay, Okay I've looked through the yearbook and there are only two Jan(s) listed, Jan Gallagher and Jan Messer. Jan G. is a brunette and Jan M. is a blonde. Will the real Vancouver Jan please stand up? All your male classmates want your autograph in their yearbooks!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You know, "Jan" can also be short for Janice or Janet.

Anonymous said...

Hello boys, I just can't wait to see you all in June. You know I was rather a "Plain Jane" in high school so you probably never gave me a second look. I really didn't "blossom" until a few years later. Bet you wish you would have asked me out or given me a ride in your car now don't you? It may not be too late. You come to the reunion and I might give you a second look-if you're lucky!

Anonymous said...

OK, Men, we are getting clues from anonymous and VJ herself. Anonymous said maybe Janice or Janet. VJ called herself plain "Jane" from high school days. Back to the yearbook for more research.

Anonymous said...

VJ, the men of America salute you and the work you have had done, it may be plastic but Damn you look good! Better than when I saw you in Vegas. I had some lasting memories from you but they seem to have finally cleared up. If you are available Friday night, I will be in the middle with the divorced guys and the "penny" loafers

Anonymous said...

There was a Jane Guerrin. She either had dark brown or black hair. This woman pictured on this blog doesn't look 57 or 58, at least not like I'm gonna look 58 at this party.

Anonymous said...

To the trio of senior cheeleaders,

Congratulations, Ladies. You three have discovered what Ponce de Leon never could~~~ The Fountain of Youth.

If only everyone could age as nicely as you have.