Friday, March 28, 2008

Remember When??

Here is where all those memories go!! You know... who got caught in the parking lot without a pass, who had the best party with the parents out of town, what year the football team went undefeated..(did that happen?), where you hid the answers to the chemistry test, who was your first crush, what was actually in the brownies that you made for the substitute teacher, what went on after prom, well you get the picture. Now don't be mean....there may still be some things that should be kept secret even after 40 years.....but hopefully after this many years we can all look back and laugh! We know you can't remember what you had for breakfast or where those damn keys are but we bet everyone has a few favorite memories to share. You can also ask your old classmates to help you fill in the'd be surprised what others remember about YOU!!!


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Anonymous said...

one last entry with just 5 more days till we all party down. Forget those extra pounds, coloring your hair, and getting in shape. We will still see each other as we were 40 years ago. The exterior may change, my gray hair and 6-pack abs that I keep in a cooler, but inside we obviously have not aged a day!! Party down class of '68

Sharon N-P

Anonymous said...

Dearest VJ:
You might want to keep an eye on that guy with the really big camera. Doesn't it naturally follow that a guy with a really big camera would also have a really big ah ...,
gosh a...,
well a...,
have a really big, you know ...,
camera case.


Anonymous said...

Sharon N-P
Your last entry sounds like a song from a L O N G time ago, "...Elanor Rigby, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door. ..." I don't even remember who sang that.
See you in a few days.


Anonymous said...

Roger, You know photography and I know music. The Beatles sang Eleanor Rigby. Or was it Elinor Rigby? Having a senior moment here!! Only 3 days to TGIF, or TGFTR (thank goodness for this reunion).

Anonymous said...

Please put all "post reunion" comments in the "Partys Over"....unless it's a bio. Thanks..

Larry James said...

WoW! Here is is April 5, 2012 and the story of the Jerms is on the Internet for me to find. You may remember me. I was a DJ at Big KeeWee (KEWI) back in the 60's and often would meet with the band when they rehearsed. I was wondering what ever happened to Galen and did a search for The Jerms. I left KEWI in 1972 and was in Real Estate for 23 years, later became a professional speaker, author & relationship coach. I currently live in Scottsdale, AZ.

Celebrate Love!

Larry James - 480-998-9411 - Cell: 480-205-3694
Scottsdale, AZ
Award Winning Wedding Officiant, Professional Speaker, Author & Relationship Coach

Here is an air check of me when I was at WPGC in Washington, D.C. I went by the name of Dean Griffith (a stage name at the station)

I was Music Director and a deejay at Big KeeWee (KEWI - Topeka, KS) from 1960 to 1972 (except for a year and 6 months in 1965 and 1966 while at WPGC in Washington, D.C.)

Monsters and Mysteries in America said...

Hello all, I am with the Destination America TV show Monsters and Mysteries in America. I am researching the Blue Albino Woman for a possible upcoming episode of our show. I am looking for people who have had a scary and dangerous encounter with the Blue Albino Woman, or for people who are familiar with her legend. If you are interested in speaking with me and possibly appearing on our show, please contact me at

Paul Zurheide said...

Hello Janice, I work on the TV show Monsters and Mysteries in America. I am developing a possible upcoming segment about the Albino lady. I am specifically looking for people who's relatives knew her in real life like your mother. I am seeing if you would be interested in speaking further with me about the stories your mother told you about her and any experiences with her you may have had. Please email me at

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