Thursday, October 25, 2012

45th Reunion -Here We Go Again we are again..... 
Seems like it was just a short time ago many of us met at Lake Shawnee and the Ramada for our 40th reunion.'s time to start planning our get together for our 45 th.  Several of us have been meeting and gathering feedback from as many classmates as possible for reunion ideas.  Many suggested that we look at a fall date this time since most of us are not tied to summer vacation for our kids anymore and since the Kansas heat can be pretty oppressive in the summer ! ( we got lucky 4 years ago).

So our 45th reunion is planned for September 27th and 28th of 2013.  Only 11 months away.  Please put it on your calendar NOW.  We're still working out details and will share as they become available but what we do know is that we're meeting at the Garden House at Lake Shawnee on Friday night. This is where we met last time and it's a lovely location.  Great outdoor areas to chat but a nice enclosed spot with air conditioning and or heat !  On Saturday night we'll be gathering at the former Shawnee Country Club (now run by Great Life) at 29th and Adams.  This is a beautiful venue.  Large two level  room with lots of glass overlooking the golf course and plenty of outdoor tables and patios.  There will be plenty of room to mingle and visit. Both locations have ample parking and are easily accessible.  We will have golf at Shawnee Country Club on Saturday morning.   There will be time to visit Topeka West for those who wish to do so. We will try to get some group discounts at a couple of hotels for our out of town classmates.

Rather than creating a new blog...we decided to just continue with this those who want to look back...or who may have missed it 4 years ago can look back at the fun we had !  Some of it is touching, some informative and some quite funny ! Remember to click on comments after each post to see what was said....but PLEASE don't add anymore information or comments there.   We'll start new posts for this reunion so only add comments to posts that say 45th !! 

Rumor has it that Vancouver Jan has had a mishap since we were last in touch with her.  Apparently her pole was broken,  she suffered  a knee injury and her  costumes have had to be altered to fit her new figure. !! We'll have updates as we move ahead but we have heard that the part of the pole that could be saved was remade into a trapeze.  She always was such an inventive girl. In the last 4 years it's we've been made aware that Vancouver Jan is not our only celebrity.  We've heard that for the 45th " Elton Jim" will make an appearance and who knows how many other talented classmates may show up.   You won't want to miss this reunion......these  "stars" are  getting older they may not be around for the 50th !!


Neffy said...

I fear for VJ's reputation when word gets out how the mishap occurred!

Anonymous said...

Are you really sure that VJ broke her pole & hurt her knee? I ran into a gal (I'll call her Cowgirl Jane, who claims to be VJ's twin sister). She didn't mention any injury, only that VJ has been breaking way too many poles and was thinking about changing her act. CJ also said that she'd be coming with VJ this time,I gave her the dates from Facebook. I'll try to get more info from her if I can remember what bar I was in, better figure out what town first.

TerryD said...

I've seen the's in shambles...and the knee looks bad too. What VJ was thinking with the wild act she was performing from the crane over Bobos I'll never know...but it was pretty obvious that it wasn't going to end well. Let us know when you run into CJ....I don't remember a cowgirl from West...but then I don't remember very much else either.

Anonymous said...

According to "Cowgirl Jane", they were seperated when they were about 5-7yrs. old. VJ wanted to be the center of attention & talked her mommy into giving CJ up. CJ says she spent yrs. going from one foster home to another. CJ had a very hard life & greatly resents VJ, who she still describes as a self-centered B----. CJ says she accidently ran into VJ in Texas. CJ works the Rodeo circuit.

VJ said...

Damn, really thought I got rid of you decades ago. Now you show up in my life again. Well,I hear there's going to be a talent show at the 45th reunion, so the game is on. Bring your best talent, if you have any. I just bought a new pole, this one is unbreakable.

Anonymous said...

How many of you have read "50 Shades of Gray"? And what do ya think.

Anonymous said...


Charlie T. said...

There should be a list of e-mail addresses for all who attended the 40th. What happened to it? I need help, these gals just keep making things difficult, they make my head spin.Classmates please forward any addresses you may have, so we can wrap this up asap, I have other things to do, instead of gal setting each day.

TerryD said...

Anon....I've read 50 Shades....I found it...well... interesting.

Anonymous said... found it "interesting", Well I found parts of it just damn right "HOT,HOT". I couldn't set still in my chair,I got goose-bumbs, and I started sweating all over.

TerryD said...

To Anonymous Nov. 9 at 9:27, Your symptoms sound a lot like the flu. I might suggest some Theraflu, plenty of water and bed rest and a cool cloth on your head. You also may want to avoid reading material with adult content. It's possible you're just not ready for that...even at our advanced age.

kathy bellows said...

To anonymous...I am sure Terry was just givin' you a dig about "our advanced age." 62ish is just starting to live! Youth has its advantages but getting older has tons more; plus the insight to prevent stupid mistakes like we (all) made in our youth. I haven't read "50 Shades..." but after your glowing I better get my hands on it to see how hot it is or if it is just interesting!

Anonymous said...

Well Kathy,thanks for your comments. Terry D. probably wrote her comments from her rocking chair,since she only found these books interesting, or it may be that she feels that she is too old to act like the characters in the books. I'm with you, our" advanced age" as Terry D. describes it, has more advantages than our younger years could ever provide. In fact I've been using the "books" to pick up woman. Justt have to mention the books to a gal & if she's read them, she can't talk about any thing else, then she'll start bringing up subject matter, "do you remember this or that". That's all I need to hear the deal is closed, easiest pick up line I've ever heard of. MAKE LOVE BABY not WAR. Get the books, there are 3 of them, you won't be disappointed, especially since you feel that 62 is just the beginning & not the end. Terrry D. should probably start reading "Nancy Drew" or "Mary Poppins". Glad you blogged here, hope to see future comments from you. See you at the 45th.

VJ said...

Kathy, you should definitely pick up the three books, probably only take you a week to read all three.These books were wriiten about my life, I truly believe that, still waiting for for check though. Sounds to me that Terry D. is only ore-occupied about getting older, remember Terry D.age is only a number, get your chin up.

TerryD said...

Anonymous...I only found the 50 Shades set somewhat " interesting" because they seemed rather " tame". I suppose I'm just used to a bit more " spice " ...and I'm not talking about cookbooks !

ME? In a rocking chair ? That's amusing.. I may not be VJ...but I do manage to find things to keep myself busy ! Kathy Bellows you are correct....this age is not "old"....many of us are having more fun now than ever ! What a nice surprise !

Neffy said...

My daughter said not to "bother" (not to be confused with hot and bothered) with the 2nd two books. She said they were poorly written. I think she may have been reading from an editorial point of view.