Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Out Of The Box

Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.
Louis E. Boone 

So what have you done....perhaps since 1968....or maybe in the last few years that you thought you couldn't...or shouldn't ...or wouldn't do ??    What did you do that you may have thought you were " too old" to do or try ???    Can you inspire the rest of us to step out of our comfort zone ??   Can you share what you've learned lately that enriched your life ?    It's ok if what you tried didn't work out as you wanted it to...or thought it would.  It's even ok to share something you tried ...that failed.  We can learn from that too. Share your experiences....share your adventures and pictures whether they were in your backyard or on the other side of the world. 

We want  your stories and your comments or your suggestions.   We all want to have a life well lived....and the time to make sure we have that NOW. 


" Stay as sweet as you are "  " gosh, Chemistry was so much fun." " Glad we made it through Biology"... " I just know you and Billy will be together forever " " Good luck in college"...." I'll always remember the time you got caught behind the gym with ??"  " Don't ever forget the time we got in trouble behind the stage"    

Remember all the  " stuff " you wrote in classmates yearbooks ?   NO???  Gee....that's too bad...because THEY have it...and it lives forever...( almost as bad as Facebook)...Grab your yearbooks....and share some of the great things your friends wrote in your yearbook.   ( NOT the really filthy stuff.).....share their name ...or not......whichever you go dig out those books and find your reading glasses......


Topeka West Talent !

 We all know that there were a lot of talented " kids" in our class.   They must be extra talented now that they've had 45 years to practice !  We want to have you share your talents at the talent segment part of the event on Saturday night.  Sing, dance, play an instrument, mime, juggle, card tricks...we don't care...serious, funny or darn right bizarre !!  Don't volunteer here....e-mail me privately at so we keep it a secret until you make your debut. Do something by yourself or gather a group and come up with a skit !  If you know someone too shy to volunteer...give me their contact info and I'll harass them..and never reveal my source !! Anything goes....from a minute or two ....till a little longer but you can't hog the stage....we want to feature lots of " acts".  Please volunteer....this is no time to be shy...or you may be stuck with Lauri Rivers and I playing the accordion.  She my have gotten better...but I didn't !!!

Let's Get This Party Started

182 days left ..give or take a day or two...until the reunion. NO MORE excuses that I'll start my exercise program " tomorrow" !!This is my new workout outfit.....can you believe all the other ladies in my zumba class last night were wearing boring black ??? ( the angle of this is a bit off..I'm not quite that wide...well maybe I am..but I won't be by September ! )   Sooo.....let's get the party started...share what's new in your hobby, new grandkid stories, new vacation plans, new lies about your golf game or how big of a fish you caught ??? Any ideas for activities you'd like to see happen at this coming reunion....???   Our venues are great....The Garden House at Lake Shawnee is beautiful and has AC and heat depending on the day.....Country Club for Saturday night is very nice but casual so you can wear your dress up clothes or  cut-offs if you want ! If you haven't sent in your reservation and money please do so ASAP so we can start planning for food and beverages.   DON'T TELL YOURSELF YOU'LL SEE EVERYONE AT THE 50TH.....COME THIS TIME.... We're not spring chickens...we may not be able to ROCK & ROLL in 5 more years !!