Topeka West Talent !
We all know that there were a lot of talented " kids" in our class. They must be extra talented now that they've had 45 years to practice ! We want to have you share your talents at the talent segment part of the event on Saturday night. Sing, dance, play an instrument, mime, juggle, card tricks...we don't care...serious, funny or darn right bizarre !! Don't volunteer here....e-mail me privately at so we keep it a secret until you make your debut. Do something by yourself or gather a group and come up with a skit ! If you know someone too shy to volunteer...give me their contact info and I'll harass them..and never reveal my source !! Anything goes....from a minute or two ....till a little longer but you can't hog the stage....we want to feature lots of " acts". Please volunteer....this is no time to be shy...or you may be stuck with Lauri Rivers and I playing the accordion. She my have gotten better...but I didn't !!!
We have been notified that " Elton" will be making an appearance along with several other celebs. However, don't let that stop YOU from showing off your talent for balancing a spoon on your nose or playing the kazoo with your toes.
The line up is growing. Do YOU have a talent you'd like to share...don't be shy....all these years you've been practicing blowing milk out of your nose or wiggling your ears...but no one wanted you to share that talent ? THIS is your big me...don't post here. We'd like our " show " to have some surprises. Be brave...once again hear the roar of applause !!
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