You Might Be Gone
But Not Forgotton
Since our 40th reunion in 2008, we have added 11 classmates to our "In Memory Of" list for a total of 43. A few of them passed before 2008, but weren't added until later. If you become aware of the passing of any classmates, please email one of the reunion committee members and let us know. This is a current list as of September 9, 2013. Those added since the last reunion are in bold letters. If you know the year of their passing, feel free to post. Terry D has created a board with those listed below, along with any obituaries we have located. It will be on display at the 45TH reunion. If there is a * in front of their name, we have an obituary. If you happen to have one for any of the other 13, please email it to Terry D or Elaine (Neffy). (the ? at the end of a couple of them are dates I couldn't verify for certain).
*Allison McClure Bean 8-17-2006
*Barb Lawson 7-11-67
Bev Bedell
Bill Barlene
*Bill Cox 11-27-2005
*Bill Trickett 8-4-1996
*Bobby Merrifield 1-28-1999
*Chad Winsor 5-4-1998
Chris Koci 1-28-1996
Craig Richmond 6-8-2006
*Davy Frost
*Dick Boggs
Frank Jackson 10-5-2002
*Gary Brown 7-11-2009
Jane Brooks 6-1983 ?
Jane Burgess
Jarold L Jones 12-6-2012
Jeanne Rimes
*Jim Eklund 1/25/2013
*Jim Greenleaf 3-3-2008
*Jim Heather
*John Snyder 10-11-2004
Ken Terrill
*Kent Weeks 3-17-2005
*Kirk Smith
*Lynda Griffith
*Margaret Guntert - no death record found
*Merlin Wambsganss 2-7-2007
Mike Turnball
Mike Wellman
*Paula McKenzie
*Phil Tunnel
Rick Cotton
*Rick Miller 3-6-2008
*Rocky Appelhanz 6-4-2013
*Sherry Dillon
*Sidra Fluke 8-22-2012
*Steve Yarrington 1-13-2011
*Sue Wright
*Susan Kennedy Wright 10-23-2006
*Terry Flood 9-21-2001
*Tina Foley
*Vicki Bailey Schiffelbein 8/14/2013