We have had several requests for a place to talk about music. One of our classmates...Jim Clements has been entertaining a small group of us by sharing u-tubes and comments for the last 4 1/2 years. Now we'll let him put some of them here. Please chime in with your comments and memories or add u-tubes of your own. Between Jim and Marshall and other classmates with a love of music and a musical background it will be fun to see the diversity in musical tastes.
Music...especially " our " music had such an impact on our generation. In this section feel free to post or chat about what memories a special song brings to mind. I'll start with the one Jim sent tonight....and the comment he made.
" Still the ultimate high school kids coming of age movie. As for the song title, I'm sure EVERY senior who ever walked out of his/her high school or college on the very last day, hopes those words ring true !!!! " Jim Clements
Subject: YouTube postings
From: DJ Jim
I'm confessing my lack of computer
skills here. Not knowing how to
cut & paste & transfer ANYTHING on
a computer from one site, YouTube
to another site, TWHS Class of '68 blog. THEREFORE, until such time
as I might learn this technology
I hereby appoint Elaine Neff
Toland & Terry Diaz Dykstra &
any other worthy classmates as
official deejayettes & deejays
with all honors & standings
associated with said "title" to
relay any UTubes from me to this
site or post any UTubes of their
own choosing as they see proper &
fit to do so .... Done this day,
Wednesday May 15th, 2013 at or
around 6PM Central Daylight
Savings Time. Musically Yours, DJ
Jim, you are so funny! It's just two easy steps. When you are on youtube at the song you're sharing, just go to the top of the screen in the address bar where it starts with http.....right click on it and choose copy. Then go to this blog and write your DJ comments we have been so enjoying over the past 5+years and then right click and choose paste! I'll transfer just a few for you.
DJ Jim says....Still the longest running instrumental #1 song in the history of the Billboard charts. Nine straight weeks during 1959 or 1960. Also, Sandra Dee, every guy's dream come true for the ultimate girl-next-door
ok techy people....only way to get to the link I post, as far as I know, is to highlight it with your mouse, right click and choose copy, then right click again and choose....go to copied address. Is there another way?
If anyone wants to see a really neat "location" music video, go to YouTube and type Simple Minds, Alive and Kicking in the search box. Some of the facial expressions of band members are a hoot! But, the waterfall scenes are amazing ~ ~
Trying to get something going here - - Let's talk favorite guitar riffs, saxophone riffs, drum riffs, etc. On guitar, three of my favorites .. David Bowie (Rebel, Rebel), Eric Clapton (She's Waiting), & Neil Young (Cinnamon Girl). Marshall Barber, if you're out there in cyberspace land, please sign in !! AND, any other music fans, too > >
Your Wildest Dreams by the Moody Blues. Compliments DJ Jim
Sax was always my favorite, however in my "golden" years as a new youngster I have come to appreciate many instruments along with the music. I love piano, flute, but can't really tell you favorites, such as favorite guitar. At least I can pick out an instrument. I don't like many songs that continually repeat. I think they are obnoxious & I have to chg the station if one comes on.
I'm starting to think it's just you and me out there, DJ
DJ.....are you not fond of accordion " riffs" ??? Be careful or you'll hurt someone's feelings.
DJ - First heard this song in 1992 at St. Marys, KS city park over P.A. system during Maggie's 20th class reunion picnic. It may be simple or corny or whatever, BUT always makes me feel good inside, every time I hear it.
Shiny Happy People - R.E.M.
Anonymous, I know who YOU are, just from the word accordion and the time stamp of your post !!
Neffy, I've been trying to click on the YouTube links you have relayed to this section of the blog (many thanks) but nothing happens .... a glitch for station JIMC, woe is me ~ ~
5 years ago, the blog was really interesting, fun, and lots of people were interacting on it. How come people are staying away in 2013 ??
Neffy, I'm trying to get some YouTubes to this blog and made it to the part about the right click & choose paste, after doing the right click & choose copy. The http link shows up with "enter" on the right in the small rectangular box. When I click on enter nothing happens .. What am I doing wrong ??
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