Wednesday, April 17, 2013


" Stay as sweet as you are "  " gosh, Chemistry was so much fun." " Glad we made it through Biology"... " I just know you and Billy will be together forever " " Good luck in college"...." I'll always remember the time you got caught behind the gym with ??"  " Don't ever forget the time we got in trouble behind the stage"    

Remember all the  " stuff " you wrote in classmates yearbooks ?   NO???  Gee....that's too bad...because THEY have it...and it lives forever...( almost as bad as Facebook)...Grab your yearbooks....and share some of the great things your friends wrote in your yearbook.   ( NOT the really filthy stuff.).....share their name ...or not......whichever you go dig out those books and find your reading glasses......


Neffy said...

This could get dangerous, you know. All I can say is...after the reunion meeting and reading some of the writings in Margo's yearbook, someone posted in hers about how much he liked her and wanted to date her, yadda yadda. I go look at mine and there's two pages of the same thing from the same guy in mine! You know who you many other gals did you write that to? I'm crushed....totally crushed. And if this gives you any hint...You told me if I got divorced, you would be there waiting in line. Well, where were you when I got divorced back in '74? So much for "waiting" for me. Geez, not even worth a 6 year wait!

Neffy said...

After reading all the comments in my book, I've discovered why I don't remember much from high school days. There's all these comments like, "Don't get too drunk tonite" "Stay out of trouble" "Stay sober". Many wishess for Good Luck, lots and lots of luck (apparently several were worried about me). I guess I was suppose to have a double wedding with Marcia M. That didn't happen. One that concerns me tho, is Greg A wrote, "Sorry about your report cards". I must have blocked those out, too! And from someone with an obscure signature.. "Elaine....Eat my left one! This has been a kill this year. I only wish I could have met you sooner. Take it easy and don't do anything I wouldn't. If you do, make sure you get paid for it." Apparently one teacher was glad to have me in class...driver's ed. And one that makes me sad, "Elaine, you're nuttier than a fruitcake!! But the way I see it, that's the only way to be. It's really really been alot of fun knowing you through my high school years and having "pud" classes like Girlies Chorus with you. Good luck in everything you do, Love ya, Sue W.

What do kids do nowdays who don't get their yearbooks until after graduation? Do they have these fun things to look back on? With technology...Many of them won't have any written record of their youth.

Jim C said...

Ok, two people in my senior year chemistry class both wrote a similiar comment .... H2SO4 + HCL = burnt fingers. Will have to relay on ink aging technology to figure who wrote first, thus the second person was a copycat !! DJ Jim

Neffy said...

Jim, I didn't take chemistry, so those acronyms are meaningless to me. Does HCL stand for high class liquor....sort of like top shelf? And is H2SO4 - water getting steamy with 4 people? Dang...should have taken that class.

Unknown said...

My yearbooks are in a plastic tote titled "Crusty Old Quilts!" After my allergy shot I'll open the tote...

Jim C said...


LOL, with YOUR acronyms meanings on this !! You're having MORE fun without having taking chemistry. If memory serves me, seems like it was hydrogen sulfate plus hydrochloric acid equals burnt fingers, especially if you touch it without having your official mad scientist black school-issued & licensed rubber protective gloves & rubber full length apron to protect clothing & non-breakable googles to protect eyes ....

Jim C said...

What the hey ?? The blog seems to be dead in the water, compared to 5 years ago. Come on, let's get this thing jump started .... have battery charger & jumper cables to help out !!

Debbie Crawford said...

Elaine, you are absolutely right. Without the ritual of signing yearbooks, you forgo the experience of sharing and bonding for the last time and having a good laugh, a hug and promising you’ll never forget. Forget?? Little good that did me. When I leaf thru the pages of my book, it’s like reading the signatures for the first time and not having a clue why certain people signed my book or wrote what they did. Nor do I recall a single thing I wrote in someone else’s yearbook, but I do hope it was funny or memorable.
Even reading the description of accomplishments and activities next to my Senior picture leaves me wondering a bit. Apparently, I submitted that list for the yearbook. . . “Snowball crew, AFS club. Pajama Game, Intramurals, etc…”, and a few signed my book referencing those experiences, but my mind catches only a fleeting moment. There’s even a club group photo with me standing in the front row, and I barely remember posing for that shot let alone any of the activities.

I do have this vague memory of the day we signed our books, and it seemed I wanted to acquire as many signatures as possible, and if a “cool” person signed that was an added bonus. My thinking, at the time, was how important all this would be in the future when I would look back and smugly assess the bounty gathered. Funny what hindsight conjures up at this point in life. Take for instance…someone named Nancy wrote… “Don’t eat too many flowers.” Why was I eating flowers in the first place? And Nancy who? Then a perplexing one from Carole Wilson....” I love you, Debbie”. Was she spreading around lots of ‘60’s –style free love or did I miss something?

Jane Brooks must have been my ride-along in Driver’s Ed. I guess she was white-knuckling it in the back seat to prompt this entry ”.…although I was a bit petrified at first, you did terrific at the last. Drive carefully.” Jane, sorry you’re not around to see what a lead foot I’ve really become.
Many commented on suffering thru World Lit and World Back. “To a fellow slave of “Wonder Wingo’s.” Apparently, it was “hell” someone stated. It must have been so awful that I blocked it from memory. Oddly, on the back page of my yearbook I discovered a kind word from Wayne Wingo.
I had several crushes in high school, but Jennifer Henderson singled this one out….“ If you’re good maybe that Hap (Eiche) will ask you out. OH BOY.” According to photographic evidence he was last seen at the Snowball in the arms of Martha Schooley. Talk about crushed. It’s too late now Hap, I’ve moved on, and that goes for the rest of you heartbreakers.

Debbie Crawford said...

For all the influential teachings of Bakalar, Hopkins, Eubank, and Shufelberger, you’d think we could have been more creative in our comments, but every page in my yearbook is covered with generic autographs of: “stay as sweet as you are”, “it’s been swell”, “be good”, “enjoyed having you in class”, “it’s really been fun”, “good luck”, “see you next year”, blah, blah, blah. Marilyn Boone gets the award for the most BS in one comment…”Well, honey, it’s been great knowing you this year. Really it has. Well, have fun this summer and be good. You’re real sweet and cute so stay that way! Be good always and good luck. Love ya – Marilyn.” You’d never guess she would end up in California.
Beth King was a little more sincere …”You have always been my friend and I’ll never forget you.” (gosh Beth, I’m flattered, but honestly I don’t remember hanging out with you in HS. I guess we need to go out for coffee and catch up). And Julie Taylor surprised me by saying…”I envy you because you’re so quiet and I’m such a loud mouth. I never realized you were such a talented artist.” Yes, my talents are yet to be discovered.

A couple of classmates from grade school and Jr High reflected on making it thru the past 12 yrs together and how sad it was it was over. Back then, 12 yrs seemed like eternity. Now it’s a blink in time.
On a sad note, I found signatures from some who have passed, one in particular from Paula McKenzie. We were friends, but lost touch after West. Didn’t hear of her death till the 10 yr Reunion. After re-reading her entry, I reflected on how personable and pretty she was and how tragic it was her ambition to be a doctor was cut short.

Jim C said...

Paula McKenzie was the ONLY girl in Mrs. Breitweiser's senior year math class. That in itself was notable and early on, Mrs. Breitweiser made a comment to such. In the early 70s, Paula's younger brother Scott worked at Lewis Toyota when I worked there.

TerryD said...

Finally dug my yearbook out... good grief. Like you Debbie C. I've " forgotten" everything everyone said " we won't ever forget". Wann ? Who was he...and why should I remember him ? "Homeroom"?? Several said " It was great getting to know you in Homeroom." Hummm...wonder how much we really bonded there?? Debbie Crawford I found your entry in my yearbook. There it is..big and bold and in red pen !! " I'm sorry I messed up our Lit. reports. But I enjoyed being your classmate. I had fun this year, and it was great knowing you!!! Honest you're DARLING !!! " soc it to 'em" Debbie Crawford-------- I do want you to know Debbie, that I've forgiven you for the Lit report screw up.. Hell, I don't even remember taking Lit ! Thank you for the " you're Darling" comment...I felt like a total every positive comment was a plus !!! Rita Fortmeyer wrote " You're a nice, cute and smart girl. I really didn't know you very well but I know you're pretty wonderful. " ( Had she known me better she may not have said those sweet things.) Several wished me luck at KState and said they were sure we'd see each other... we didn't...I guess it's just a really big campus ! Several wished me luck in Vet School...yeah..well I wasn't as smart as I thought...or I should not have spent so much time at Tuttle instead of class...although I did have a nice tan ! A couple of guys I had " crushes" on...wrote the typical ..." great knowing you....I'll never forget Chemistry"... well I forgot Chemistry...but I didn't forget them !! I do remember being disappointed that there wasn't a declaration of undying love when they handed me back my yearbook !! Good grief I'm glad I'm not that age anymore ! Hey...maybe it's not too late...should we have another signing party ???