Monday, September 9, 2013

That's My Story.........

Here is where you can post your " story"....what have you been doing since the last 45 years ?   Where have you been...who did you see....what kind of music or movies do you what are your plans for the future ???

Please post your bios in the comments section below and be aware that many people have posted their bios on the T West Facebook sure to look there !!!

Jan Pipkin Flesher wanted to go first but wasn't able to load it.  This is what she submitted:

Bio from Jan Pipkin Flesher

Following graduation from Topeka West I left Topeka to follow my dreams. As most of you may recall the Topeka Free Fair came to the fairgrounds and it was an event to look forward to every year. Attending that fair with all of my friends was where I got my inspiration join the circus. I started as an assistant to the animal caregivers which means I shoveled poop. I can tell you that cleaning up after the elephants is no easy task and my arms quickly became very very strong. When I was finished with my shift each night....I would sneak into the tents and practice on the trapeze and found that due to my amazing arm strength that I was quite good at it. Within a few years I had my own " act " and top billing as " The Fantasy in the Sky". I had many great years andloved the life of a circus performer. I marred many times but sadly all ended in divorce. As you can imagine being in the circus gives a girl lots of opportunities to meet interesting men....and I could never just settle for very long. Among my many husbands was one Ringmaster ( too bossy), two clowns ( they're not so funny to live with every day), one Bearded Lady ( trust me " she " was NOT a lady) and my favorite " Jack, the Human Cannon Ball" -- he met a sad end when someone packed too much gunpowder into the cannon. Over the years I had to modify my act since it's not possible to stay as flexible as when was younger. One of my husbands was a drummer so he taught me to play the drums and I changed my act to " Rhythm on a Swing" . Of course since I was playing the drum and it takes both hands-- I needed a way to hang on to the trapeze. I've always had weak ankles so I used neck and then my teeth. I've enclosed a picture so you'll understand how much skill this took. This was all working out great and I thought I'd be able to stay with the circus for life..but my teeth just couldn't stand the pressure and I had to give up my job. The circus is a wonderful life...but the retirement benefits are terrible. Since I didn't have retirement or a husband to help me, I was really concerned that I might starve. I decided to turn all of my skills with the circus into a second career and I'm now a government consultant. I advise on economics, environmental issues, space exploration and such. In my spare time I teach percussion to students in middle school. For fun I go to Gage Park and swing.... I just feel so at home on a swing and close to the zoo animals. I do have 3 children and 3 grandchildren and they love having a grandma who will swing with them ! I'm looking forward to seeing many of you at the reunion and hearing all about what YOU have been doing since our days at West !!

Friday, September 6, 2013


There is just a short time left until your classmates will gather in Kansas to renew old friendships, make new friends, visit old neighborhoods and sort through memories. Most of us have many wonderful memories of high school and we all have the ones where we felt " left out" and like we didn't fit was part of being a teenager.   We remember the music and the sports and the dances and clothes and some of us even remember the classes !    Reunions are a time of reflection...and a time to share those memories...both good and not so good with others who " knew you when".  Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of the 45th reunion.

It's not too late to let us know you're coming....but we really do need to know right away so we can have enough food and beverages.  Please download your reservation sheet from the FB page or reply and I'll email you a copy.  If you have already sent in your reservation.....thank you...we're looking forward to seeing you.

One of the things that many of us took for granted when we were young was how lovely Kansas is.   We were so busy at school and playing sports and going to the drive in or working on our cars....that we missed the magic that was just outside the city limits.   I thought you all might enjoy this video and music....please take about 5 minutes and sit quietly with a cool beverage and enjoy the pictures of the place many of us call home.  When you're here to sure to take a of I-70....and experience what you may have missed 45 years ago. 

Then....if you have not mailed your reservation it now....and come home to Kansas.   We miss you. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

THIS AND THAT....'s HOT....but fall is just around the we'll make it !    It seems that this blog....just isn't the same now that Facebook is a part of our lives.   Several of us have tried to get it " going " but there just are not enough of us posting here to make it fun.  I will continue to post important information but I'm not going to post everything here....that is on Facebook.   If you're not on FB I'd encourage you to join and check it often.  If you don't you'll miss the many bios and pictures and the banter.   We encourage you to join your bio...share pictures...and be a part of the reunion whether or not you are able to attend. If you have not sent in your registration for the 45th's not too late...but we need to know you're coming...asap.   We have to let our food people know how many to expect and we'd hate to run out of food either night.   Please e-mail one of us and let us know you're attending and send in your form and money right away !   Please don't think no one will miss you......or that you'll feel out of place because you've not kept in touch with anyone.....or....the worst excuse....but one we hear..." there were too many cliques in high school"...   !!!    Really .....many of your classmates felt like's part of being a teenager.....even the so called " in crowd" ..felt awkward !!   So keep up with the blog if you like and add things here....or better yet....join in on the fun on Facebook.   Hope to see you all in a month.   Have a safe Labor Day weekend.

Monday, May 20, 2013

You Might Be Gone

But Not Forgotton

Since our 40th reunion in 2008, we have added 11 classmates to our "In Memory Of" list for a total of 43.  A few of them passed before 2008, but weren't added until later.  If you become aware of the passing of any classmates, please email one of the reunion committee members and let us know.  This is a current list as of September 9, 2013.  Those added since the last reunion are in bold letters.  If you know the year of their passing, feel free to post.  Terry D has created a board with those listed below, along with any obituaries we have located.  It will be on display at the 45TH reunion.  If there is a * in front of their name, we have an obituary.  If you happen to have one for any of the other 13, please email it to Terry D or Elaine (Neffy).  (the ? at the end of a couple of them are dates I couldn't verify for certain).

*Allison McClure Bean 8-17-2006
*Barb Lawson 7-11-67
  Bev Bedell
  Bill Barlene
*Bill Cox 11-27-2005
*Bill Trickett 8-4-1996
*Bobby Merrifield 1-28-1999
*Chad Winsor 5-4-1998
  Chris Koci 1-28-1996
  Craig Richmond 6-8-2006
*Davy Frost
*Dick Boggs
  Frank Jackson 10-5-2002
*Gary Brown 7-11-2009 
  Jane Brooks 6-1983 ?
  Jane Burgess
  Jarold L Jones 12-6-2012
  Jeanne Rimes
*Jim Eklund  1/25/2013
*Jim Greenleaf 3-3-2008
*Jim Heather
*John Snyder 10-11-2004
  Ken Terrill
*Kent Weeks 3-17-2005
*Kirk Smith
*Lynda Griffith
*Margaret Guntert - no death record found
*Merlin Wambsganss 2-7-2007
  Mike Turnball
  Mike Wellman
*Paula McKenzie
*Phil Tunnel
  Rick Cotton
*Rick Miller 3-6-2008
*Rocky Appelhanz 6-4-2013
*Sherry Dillon
*Sidra Fluke 8-22-2012
*Steve Yarrington 1-13-2011
*Sue Wright
*Susan Kennedy Wright 10-23-2006
*Terry Flood 9-21-2001
*Tina Foley
*Vicki Bailey Schiffelbein 8/14/2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Music-Don't You Forget About Me

We have had several requests for a place to talk about music. One of our classmates...Jim Clements has been entertaining a small group of us by sharing u-tubes and comments for the last 4 1/2 years. Now we'll let him put some of them here.  Please chime in with your comments and memories or add u-tubes of your own.  Between Jim and Marshall and other classmates with a love of music and a musical background it will be fun to see the diversity in musical tastes.  

Music...especially " our " music had such an impact on our generation.  In this section feel free to post or chat about what memories a special song brings to mind. I'll start with the one Jim sent tonight....and the comment he made.  

" Still the ultimate high school kids coming of age movie. As for the song title, I'm sure EVERY senior who ever walked out of his/her high school or college on the very last day, hopes those words ring true !!!!   "     Jim Clements

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Out Of The Box

Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.
Louis E. Boone 

So what have you done....perhaps since 1968....or maybe in the last few years that you thought you couldn't...or shouldn't ...or wouldn't do ??    What did you do that you may have thought you were " too old" to do or try ???    Can you inspire the rest of us to step out of our comfort zone ??   Can you share what you've learned lately that enriched your life ?    It's ok if what you tried didn't work out as you wanted it to...or thought it would.  It's even ok to share something you tried ...that failed.  We can learn from that too. Share your experiences....share your adventures and pictures whether they were in your backyard or on the other side of the world. 

We want  your stories and your comments or your suggestions.   We all want to have a life well lived....and the time to make sure we have that NOW. 


" Stay as sweet as you are "  " gosh, Chemistry was so much fun." " Glad we made it through Biology"... " I just know you and Billy will be together forever " " Good luck in college"...." I'll always remember the time you got caught behind the gym with ??"  " Don't ever forget the time we got in trouble behind the stage"    

Remember all the  " stuff " you wrote in classmates yearbooks ?   NO???  Gee....that's too bad...because THEY have it...and it lives forever...( almost as bad as Facebook)...Grab your yearbooks....and share some of the great things your friends wrote in your yearbook.   ( NOT the really filthy stuff.).....share their name ...or not......whichever you go dig out those books and find your reading glasses......


Topeka West Talent !

 We all know that there were a lot of talented " kids" in our class.   They must be extra talented now that they've had 45 years to practice !  We want to have you share your talents at the talent segment part of the event on Saturday night.  Sing, dance, play an instrument, mime, juggle, card tricks...we don't care...serious, funny or darn right bizarre !!  Don't volunteer here....e-mail me privately at so we keep it a secret until you make your debut. Do something by yourself or gather a group and come up with a skit !  If you know someone too shy to volunteer...give me their contact info and I'll harass them..and never reveal my source !! Anything goes....from a minute or two ....till a little longer but you can't hog the stage....we want to feature lots of " acts".  Please volunteer....this is no time to be shy...or you may be stuck with Lauri Rivers and I playing the accordion.  She my have gotten better...but I didn't !!!

Let's Get This Party Started

182 days left ..give or take a day or two...until the reunion. NO MORE excuses that I'll start my exercise program " tomorrow" !!This is my new workout outfit.....can you believe all the other ladies in my zumba class last night were wearing boring black ??? ( the angle of this is a bit off..I'm not quite that wide...well maybe I am..but I won't be by September ! )   Sooo.....let's get the party started...share what's new in your hobby, new grandkid stories, new vacation plans, new lies about your golf game or how big of a fish you caught ??? Any ideas for activities you'd like to see happen at this coming reunion....???   Our venues are great....The Garden House at Lake Shawnee is beautiful and has AC and heat depending on the day.....Country Club for Saturday night is very nice but casual so you can wear your dress up clothes or  cut-offs if you want ! If you haven't sent in your reservation and money please do so ASAP so we can start planning for food and beverages.   DON'T TELL YOURSELF YOU'LL SEE EVERYONE AT THE 50TH.....COME THIS TIME.... We're not spring chickens...we may not be able to ROCK & ROLL in 5 more years !!